REAL Solutions

for your team’s challenges

Every company has its own unique ecosystem

By listening to the needs of your leadership team we design and implement a plan based on our assessment. Our mindfulness and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity) trainings build focus, the ability to effectively solve problems, while creating a  resilient workplace culture.


Mindfulness and Wellbeing Online Training Delivered Live


The human brain is hard-wired to connect with others; so why can that be challenging sometimes? Axis Mundi starts by building a sense of belonging and psychological safety. This foundation sets the tone for the work we will do together.
Objectives include:

  • Learn the importance of psychological safety
  • Clarify individual and collective goals

Module 2: PRESENCE

We discover through mindfulness and self-awareness something that cannot be found anywhere else: presence. By living a more engaged life, we can step out of survival mode and move into thrive mode. When we notice the impact of stress, we learn and use simple practices to stay balanced.

Objectives include:

  • Increased self-regulation through increased self awareness
  • Lessen the impact of stress

Module 3: FOCUS

As we continue to build our mindfulness skills, we move from simple awareness of sensations and thoughts, to working with impulses, emotions, and beliefs. We practice how to redirect awareness and increase focus. This enables us to alleviate negative thought patterns, leading to increased well-being and innovation.

Objectives include:

  • Alleviate negative thought patterns
  • Increase well-being and improve mindset


We learn the importance of compassion for one’s self and others. This helps build gratitude, and increased accountability for our actions. We acknowledge how stress and/or trauma can increase negative self-talk which gets in the way of self-compassion

Objectives include:

  • Build resilience to stress and understand the effects of trauma
  • Develop compassionate communication skills to increase collaboration and clarity.


How do we sustain what we’ve learned? Through integrating all the tools, techniques, and knowledge into practical actions in our lives. We take the experience of the training beyond theory into sustained change within ourselves and the organization. Together we honor how far we’ve come and the path that lies ahead of us

Objectives include:

  • Enhanced creativity and innovation
  • Sustaining the energy we’ve built
  • Five 90 minute live facilitated training sessions
  • Five 60 minute live facilitated optional drop-in support sessions
  • Two facilitators per live training session
  • One facilitator for live drop-in support sessions
  • Access to resources via guided audios, readings, podcasts, and course activities
  • Transformative leadership coaching

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

-James Baldwin